The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple

Monday, May 3, 2010

hmmm... just a post :)

So turns out i'm kinda figuring this whole blog post thing out. with pictures and all :).
the picture below is in the middle of no where also known as the California Valley matt and i drove out there after he got off work a couple of weeks ago for a picture taking expedition.
this was one of the two times i got out of the car... it was a little tooo windy for me. but i still had a great time as matt did what he loves to do. it was very nice out there, we got it at the end of the beautiful spring time in the valley.

Since then matt and i have decided to move out of our cute little house in the country club... ok sorry let me rephrase cute LITTLE 2 car garage above a garage unit in the country club. thats more like it. and well we've gone back and forth a TON of times on whether or not to try and leave our lease early. so we tried and then told them never mind. and we were gonna try again then decided nevermind. BUTTT!!! they came up to us on sunday and said they had found someone to move in on june first. and that is a month early out of our lease. soooo ...

you see this cute kid dancing with me .
Thats joshua for those who dont know. he is my younger brother whom i LOVE TO PIECES!!! he is an amazing young man! he turns 19 next april and matt and i are going to have him live with us so he can save up for his mission and go to school ect. its going to be GREAT!!! i'm so excited.

ok so below are some pictures from march. matt and i had this cute plan to do easter cards or something so we bought a new shirt and sweater that were very spring time-ey and headed off to the hills to sit in some flowers:)
this picture just so you know ^^^ was on a VERRY steep hill and i was in flip flops... very adventurous it turned out to be :)
also i think its awesome that we never need a 3rd person to take pictures for us... cause matt is awesome and we always bring a tripod and he always sets the camera up so the pictures turn out great and thank goodness for the 10 second timer on cameras

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

very belated easter post

So i'll start from where I can remember.

all my life i have always bought the egg dye kits for easter, so I don't know if I'm the only one who didn't know this but you can dye easter eggs with just food coloring. (i guess i never looked at the package) so Matt and I decided to be nerds and have and experiment. so it was McCormick food coloring vs Paas egg dye kits. Which would dye the egg better? Also , when reading the directions, we saw the dye could be made in Vinegar, Lemon Juice or water. so we tried all three. we had six colors for McCormick and six colors for paas. 4 with vinegar 4 with lemon juice and 4 with water. we got pretty bored after the first two eggs, holding them under the water and counting to 120.
by the time the experiment was over. shelly, tanner and june had come over for some easter celebration. we had a little easter egg hung with june,

**note to self: make sure eggs are fully cooked before hading them to a 1 year old**
any way easter was nice.

PS i cannot figure out how to get the pictures to go in the right spot... Help?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

how to train your dragon.

i know what your thinking... "wait is she talking about that silly cartoon movie that just came out?"
and heck yes i am.

Matt and i decided to go to the movies last night and with our love for the 3D experience we went to the freemont and saw how to train your dragon. Honestly i love that movie. when we were walking back to the car matt said to me, "man those flying sequences were better than avatar, or any of those theme park rides. it was awesome! when we flipped upside down my stomach actually turned, we HAVE to get a 3D projector in our house" (we dont believe in watching TV, but we like movies so why not make it awesome?!) i have to admit i was actually laughing out loud because of this "silly cartoon". during one part towards the end we turned around and there was a little boy literally clinging to the seat infront of him with his 3D glasses eyes locked on the screen. priceless. i promise we're not being biased towards this movie just cause the island/village is called BURK. but honestly this movie gets an A in my book. we will own it when it comes out.
if you dont believe me just go see it yourself :) you will love it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

last week in the Burk home

so last week was the week that I was planning on "lying low" so I could make sure I get better. I had decided that I wasn't going to go hiking and I was just going to focus on me and hang out with my sister Katelyn while she was in town. Then on Sunday night, we got a text message from Matt's dad Gary telling us that they were to be in town this week for J's birthday. Cool! right? I was super happy that we could hang out and spend time with them, it was just a matter of when. So we've got Katelyn over and we got invited by both parent groups to do Family Home Evening with them. Ended up hanging with Shelly, Tanner, Leslie and Marty then going with Shelly and Tanner to go hang with Juju, Gary, Leah and Jay. So there was the three of us with the billions of Burks= PARTY. we then continued our week with finding out the Volvo was a gonner so we got a loan and our trip to porterville/ the temple turned into car shopping. needless to say we came home after the temple in a 2002 saturn sl2 sedan. its green. we also had to write talks for church on sunday. so we woke up early sunday morning and studied away for our 9 o'clock meeting. oi!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Matt says:

Fitness blog! That's what I'll write about! I'm not good at expressing my views of stuff, nor am I well informed beyond the realm of the bright, colored rectangle I stare at for hours and hours every day. So...since lately my health has been occupying my thoughts a lot, I'll share with the world my very own self inflicted and financed full body makeover!

How do I make you want to read about this, though? What will make my story compelling? Hmm...I will get back to you, dear reader, on that later.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The time of service

Since I started working for Matt's parents in Los Osos, work has been a little sporadic. So in the recent lack of work since we got married, I have put myself to good use by doing what I can for other people and finding ways to spend my abundance of free time serving. The reason being, in my morning prayers I have started dedicating myself and my time to the lord and asking him to direct me to the things he would have me do, and to the people who need my help. So last week the lord put me in all the right places as soon as i followed one prompting. I told my mom that I could go to Costco for her and I bought Joshua water. then it was taking Josh's car to get new tires then spending some much needed time with Kambey. After that i was informed of a friends recent severe illness and their urgency to move from their house, and they needed help packing. so i spent my day on Thursday and Friday Packing the Nickersons house, then on Saturday Matt and i helped with loading up their moving van and cleaning their house. Now this week and the week after next i will be helping my sister with her kids while she plays the single mom roll(cause her husband is on an internship) and goes to school.
A little bit on that- my sister Nani is amazing! she has two kids 3 years and 8 months and she is going to school and her husband spends his weeks in San Jose for an Internship. AND it just so happens that her baby has been SOOO sick the last 2 months. and she just has to push through it. so thats where I come in. thats where i come in for a lot of people.

I am SOOO very grateful that the lord can put me to good use in my free time when i dont have work.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Dinner

about a week ago Matt and i made Crepes and we made whipped cream to go with. well we had some left over and saved it in the fridge, eating it from time to time. Tonight we are having a very nice dinner and scones for dessert. (so we could use up the rest of the whipped cream) and as most people do i decided to just take a taste of the whipped cream again, and oh my word i was so close to vomiting it wasn't funny. i still have and upset stomach. so now we know home made whipped cream goes bad. DONT SAVE IT!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

There's a first time for everything

Ok, well... Moani here hosting this Blog. My sister suggested that I start one and after my journal writing has slowly decreased I thought I would give it a try. So just a few things to start, i dont care about punctuation or spelling and as you can tell I've never had one of these before, but here goes nothing.

A little bit about M&M Burk
Matt and I just got married on the 13th of February. We are newly-weds :) we live in a very cute little "apartment" above a garage. now you may think well how nice could it be? i would have to say it is VERY nice. the family we rent from is the Fergusons. Jon-the dad- builds homes and sells them for a living so he knows what he is doing. we have bamboo floors, french doors on the bedroom, full kitchen (minus dishwasher) stainless steal appliances, fireplace, walk-in closet, and the coolest thing of all is our bathroom. well just the shower really. its HUGE, honestly you could fit 5 people in that shower AND it has a rain shower head in the ceiling and a regular one on the side so it is AWESOME.
hmm what else... we have two cars, a volvo station wagon and a ford F150 both white. but please dont get me started on the problems of the volvo. that will be for another day.

It is Saturday the 6th of March and we are going to go see Alice in Wonderland right now! it starts 425 here we go!