So turns out i'm kinda figuring this whole blog post thing out. with pictures and all :).
the picture below is in the middle of no where also known as the California Valley matt and i drove out there after he got off work a couple of weeks ago for a picture taking expedition.
this was one of the two times i got out of the car... it was a little tooo windy for me. but i still had a great time as matt did what he loves to do. it was very nice out there, we got it at the end of the beautiful spring time in the valley. Since then matt and i have decided to move out of our cute little house in the country club... ok sorry let me rephrase cute LITTLE 2 car garage above a garage unit in the country club. thats more like it. and well we've gone back and forth a TON of times on whether or not to try and leave our lease early. so we tried and then told them never mind. and we were gonna try again then decided nevermind. BUTTT!!! they came up to us on sunday and said they had found someone to move in on june first. and that is a month early out of our lease. soooo ...
you see this cute kid dancing with me .
Thats joshua for those who dont know. he is my younger brother whom i LOVE TO PIECES!!! he is an amazing young man! he turns 19 next april and matt and i are going to have him live with us so he can save up for his mission and go to school ect. its going to be GREAT!!! i'm so excited.
ok so below are some pictures from march. matt and i had this cute plan to do easter cards or something so we bought a new shirt and sweater that were very spring time-ey and headed off to the hills to sit in some flowers:)
this picture just so you know ^^^ was on a VERRY steep hill and i was in flip flops... very adventurous it turned out to be :)
also i think its awesome that we never need a 3rd person to take pictures for us... cause matt is awesome and we always bring a tripod and he always sets the camera up so the pictures turn out great and thank goodness for the 10 second timer on cameras
this picture just so you know ^^^ was on a VERRY steep hill and i was in flip flops... very adventurous it turned out to be :)
also i think its awesome that we never need a 3rd person to take pictures for us... cause matt is awesome and we always bring a tripod and he always sets the camera up so the pictures turn out great and thank goodness for the 10 second timer on cameras