The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer is in full swing

Today was a good day. This morning we woke up and Matt told me that house we had looked at on no yes road I just sold for $250,000. This made my head spin. I started thinking about how we should sell our house soon so that we can start on our dream of flipping houses. I called my mom and told her about the house and how much it sold for. She was shocked just like I was. We talked about what we need to do to be ready to purchase the property cash like that in the near future. If we can finish the projects on our house and sell it next summer we will have about $150,000 in cash for another purchase. I kept thinking about all the different things that would need to happen and I couldn't even do the house chores like dishes. Then the kids started to wake up Josh was first he came into the room and snuggled in my bed for a little while and ask daddy what he had to go back to work today. Thinking about that really made me look forward to the day where Matt is self-employed and gets to go to work whenever he wants to. Josh played "tummy time" with me where he would play with my belly and lay on my belly just like you used to when I was pregnant with Lucas. Then Stephanie woke up. She was visibly upset and told me that she dreamed about Grover. In her dream we were all playing at the park with Grover. When it was time to go Grover wanted to come home with us. That made her really sad because Grover wanted to be with us but he couldn't. She sat in my lap and she told me her dream and I cuddled with her to help her to feel better and told her that we would see Grover soon. To cheer her up I made her some breakfast and told her that we got to go to the movies that morning to see how to train your Dragon two at the regal theater. I met Susie Wilson at the movie theater and brought the boys in the theater also. While she got monitored at the doctors office for her pregnancy all the kids loved the movie they sat through it perfectly I think it was the easiest time of the theater I've ever had. I told the kids that we could go to the park afterward so once the movie got out I met up with Susie and she said that we could all go play at the same park after we ate lunch. We ran home and I made the kids quesadillas because we are out of bread again. Load them back up in the car and drove to the park in Oceana out by the beach while we were there the kids played and rode scooters Lucas really enjoyed swinging on the swings and kept giggling every time I would kiss him as he went back and forth. Josh fell down a few times riding the scooter so fast on this hill at the park and when I would try to comfort him or ask him if I could kiss it he told me no no all he wanted to do was just go back to playing. When it was time to go Kyle help Stephanie carry the scooters back to the van and put them away after the park we drove to Lynnly Sainsbury's house and swim with Megan Lydia and baby Joe that's the second time we swim at their house and the kids love it I think I will get Lucas a baby floaty of sorts so that he can be more independent while we're at the pool. I had told Stephanie that since we are in San Luis we would try and go see Grover after we swim so once we were all done swimming we loaded in the van and drove over to Owen's house to see if they were home. We got very lucky and Mindy happens to be home so we got to play with Grover and meet their new puppy. The kids did not nap today but I think they had a great time. after we left Owen's house and drove home the kids fell asleep in the van. Today was pretty busy so I think they're pretty wiped out.

1 comment:

  1. Mo, this post was so much fun to read! The love in your words is heart warming. You are a special Mom for sure.
